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Read Chainsawman Manga Online

Chapter Name Date Added
Vol.1 Chapter 1: Don't Call Me Teacher, Call By My Name Kojiro!! : May 14,24
Vol.1 Chapter 2: Sprinter - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time : May 14,24
Vol.1 Chapter 3: A Christmas Present - Christmas Between Father And Daughter : May 14,24
Vol.1 Chapter 4: Lonely Valentine - Alone In The Valentine : May 15,24
Vol.1 Chapter 5: Orange Tree - Orange Feelings : May 20,24
Vol.1 Chapter 5.5: Extra 1 : May 20,24
Vol.2 Chapter 6: Good Old Boxer - The Last Main Event : May 22,24
Vol.2 Chapter 7: Heartache Wedding - Graduation : May 28,24
Vol.2 Chapter 8: Nagisa My Dear - Don't Call Me Teacher, Call Me Brother!! : May 30,24
Vol.2 Chapter 9: Tanabata Dream - Cross The Milky Way : Jun 01,24
Vol.2 Chapter 10: Hard To Say I'm Sorry - I Can't Be Honest : Jun 04,24
Vol.2 Chapter 10.5: Extra 2 : Jun 06,24
Vol.3 Chapter 11: Behind The Mask - A Man's Resolution In Fall Festival : Jun 14,24
Vol.3 Chapter 12: Shy! Shy! Rookie!! - Jealousy Girl : Jun 24,24
Vol.3 Chapter 13: Mother's Touch - Special Handkerchief : Jul 05,24